Horsehage Timothy. 100% natural, horshage contains nothing else other than Pure grass. Available in Ryegrass, High Fibre and Timothy variety’s. when fed as the main forage source, horshage can enable you to reduce your Horses hard feed by up to a third. Dust extracted, it contains no chemical additives, mould inhibitors, molasses or inoculants. It is also more digestible than other forages, giving more nutrients and helping to improve condition for working Horses. Horsehage high fibre and Timothy are suitable for Horses prone to laminitis.
Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £12.29 $£12.29 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!