The Blue Barn Simple System Timothy Chop 15kg

A chop made mainly from Timothy Grass. Harvested at a mature stage of growth, this is a high fibre, low protein forage with no additives at all and naturally low in sugar & starch. Ideal when a molasses free, straw free, low calorie chop is required. It can be used to bulk up a short feed or as partial or complete hay replacer.

Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £18.50 $£18.50 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Simple System Timothy Chop 15kg


A chop made mainly from Timothy Grass. Harvested at a mature stage of growth, this is a high fibre, low protein forage with no additives at all and naturally low in sugar & starch. Ideal when a molasses free, straw free, low calorie chop is required. It can be used to bulk up a short feed or as partial or complete hay replacer.