The Blue Barn Top Spec Fibreplus 20kg

TopSpec Fibreplus Cubes are an excellent highly digestible fibre source with added ingredients to allow a little muscle development and function. They are ideal for GoodDoers because they have a DE of only 9MJ/kg and when soaked they are a perfect hay replacer for elderly Horses and ponies. 'non heating'.

Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £17.49 $£17.49 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Top Spec Fibreplus 20kg


TopSpec Fibreplus Cubes are an excellent highly digestible fibre source with added ingredients to allow a little muscle development and function. They are ideal for GoodDoers because they have a DE of only 9MJ/kg and when soaked they are a perfect hay replacer for elderly Horses and ponies. 'non heating'.