HiFi Senior is ideal for veteran Horses and ponies as it provides more digestible fibre. Formulated to be soft and easier to chew, HiFi Senior contains a blend of alfalfa and grass. It can be used as a partial or complete hay replacer and is suitable for Horses and ponies of any age. A blend of chopped alfalfa with grasses which have been high temperature dried to lock in the natural goodness and ensure the very best quality product. Alfalfa is an excellent natural source of antioxidants. HiFi Senior is ideal as a hay replacer for older Horses and ponies who can no longer chew the longer length of hay or haylage but can also be used for performance Horses.
Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £20.30 $£20.30 Available from: https://thebluebarn.co.uk Condition: New In stock! Order now!