The Blue Barn Simple System Purabeet Pellets 20kg

Pure unmolassed beet pulp. Once the sugar has been taken away from beet pulp, a very useful fibre feed remains, highly digestible and holding a considerable amount of water for use later. We ensure beet is unmolassed, so not affecting temperament by raising blood sugar levels. Increases in volume 6 times when soaked. Safe for laminitics. Excellent for Horses in prolonged work, helping maintain Hydration. Supplies calcium and lysine.

Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £15.50 $£15.50 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Simple System Purabeet Pellets 20kg


Pure unmolassed beet pulp. Once the sugar has been taken away from beet pulp, a very useful fibre feed remains, highly digestible and holding a considerable amount of water for use later. We ensure beet is unmolassed, so not affecting temperament by raising blood sugar levels. Increases in volume 6 times when soaked. Safe for laminitics. Excellent for Horses in prolonged work, helping maintain Hydration. Supplies calcium and lysine.