The Blue Barn CJ Wildlife Grand Hedgehog Basket

A safe place to hibernate is of vital importance for hedgehogs. During their hibernation they find a safe and sheltered place to get through the winter successfully. Our tidy landscape often makes it difficult for hedgehog's to build a nest. As an imitation of a natural nest, this hedgehog basket is the ideal accommodation for a hedgehog. Place the hedgehog basket on a dry surface in a sheltered and quiet place in the garden. Put some loose leaves in the basket. Then cover the basket with a thick layer of leaves, branches and other natural materials. Leave the opening free and try to make sure that it is not facing north or northeast.

Category: 0% VAT, Wild Bird Accessories, Wildlife, Wildlife Accessories Product #: 909300419 Regular price: £13.99 $£13.99 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

CJ Wildlife Grand Hedgehog Basket


A safe place to hibernate is of vital importance for hedgehogs. During their hibernation they find a safe and sheltered place to get through the winter successfully. Our tidy landscape often makes it difficult for hedgehog's to build a nest. As an imitation of a natural nest, this hedgehog basket is the ideal accommodation for a hedgehog. Place the hedgehog basket on a dry surface in a sheltered and quiet place in the garden. Put some loose leaves in the basket. Then cover the basket with a thick layer of leaves, branches and other natural materials. Leave the opening free and try to make sure that it is not facing north or northeast.