Baileys Fibre Plus Nuggets are a unique chunky fibre nut designed to be fed as a partial forage replacer for horses and ponies at rest or in work. They are ideal for providing an alternative fibre source, particularly for horses stabled for long periods or for those with poor dentition who struggle to chew long fibres. Baileys Fibre Nuggets have no added vitamins or minerals, so they should be fed alongside a compound feed or balancer to provide a balanced diet. If feeding significant amounts of Fibre Plus Nuggets they should be split across small, regular meals to encourage a steady intake of fibre to promote healthy digestion. These nuggets have extracts of essential oils to tempt the fussiest feeders, and soak easily to provide a softer fibre alternative for dentally challenged horses. Baileys Fibre Plus Nuggets are not recommended for those prone to laminitis.
Oatfeed (by-product of the oat milling industry), Alfalfa Meal, Micronised Unmolassed Sugarbeet, Molasses, Distillers’ Grains, Extracted Linseed Meal
Analytical Constituents:
*Sugar and Starch content can vary due to nature of natural ingredients.
Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horse Feeds - Mixes/Cubes, Horses Product #: BAI105 Regular price: £17.85 $£17.85 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!