CoolStance is packed with energy from coconut oil and fibre from copra meal. It is suitable for most Horses and can be fed to maintain insulin sensitivity, i.e. normal insulin metabolism. CoolStance is made from the white part of the coconut, which has been dried, baked and ground. It is a totally natural product and is chemical and GMO free. Provides high density energy from oil and digestible fibre (15 MJ DE/kg DM). Contains <2% starch and so does not cause hot or fizzy behaviour. MCT are unlike most other oils (soy, corn, and flaxseed) which are polyunsaturated, and are slowly digested. MCT from coconut oil have antimicrobial actions. MCT are thought to maintain a Healthy gut. Provides a balanced supply of protein and energy. Highly palatable, even for picky eaters. Can improve body, hoof and coat condition. Reduces hay requirement. Avoids metabolic disorders (tying up, laminitis, colic, EMS).
Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horses Product #: Regular price: £29.49 $£29.49 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!