The Blue Barn Jamesons Lamb Creep Pellets 17% 25kg

Jameson Lamb Creep Pellets 17%. Greater efficiency and lamb weight gains occur if lambs are creep fed than if only the ewes are concentrate fed. For rapid weight gains, creep diets must be palatable, high in energy and must contain adequate protein, minerals (especially calcium, since grains are low in calcium), and vitamins. Acceptability of our intensive lamb creep is increased by the inclusion of molasses. The most important physiological factor determining successful early weaning and ability to utilize solid Food rumen development. Rumen development is stimulated by intake of solid feed. Hence, creep fed lambs will do better at weaning than those that have relied on just their mothers’ milk.

Category: 0% VAT, Farm Foods, Farm products Product #: 52200 Regular price: £13.20 $£13.20 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Jamesons Lamb Creep Pellets 17% 25kg


Jameson Lamb Creep Pellets 17%. Greater efficiency and lamb weight gains occur if lambs are creep fed than if only the ewes are concentrate fed. For rapid weight gains, creep diets must be palatable, high in energy and must contain adequate protein, minerals (especially calcium, since grains are low in calcium), and vitamins. Acceptability of our intensive lamb creep is increased by the inclusion of molasses. The most important physiological factor determining successful early weaning and ability to utilize solid Food rumen development. Rumen development is stimulated by intake of solid feed. Hence, creep fed lambs will do better at weaning than those that have relied on just their mothers’ milk.