The Blue Barn Lintbells YuDerm Itching Dog

YuDERM Itching Dog is a premium quality supplement for itchy dogs. Formulated with a blend of Omega 3 and 6 oils, this oil-based supplement supports skin and coat health by supporting the skin's natural barriers, whilst soothing sensitive skin. When incorporated into your dog's daily feeding routine, YuDERM Itching Dog can reduce the urge to itch and contribute to overall skin and coat health.

Category: Dogs, Dogs Accessories Product #: 20002 Regular price: £25.75 $£25.75 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Lintbells YuDerm Itching Dog


YuDERM Itching Dog is a premium quality supplement for itchy dogs. Formulated with a blend of Omega 3 and 6 oils, this oil-based supplement supports skin and coat health by supporting the skin's natural barriers, whilst soothing sensitive skin. When incorporated into your dog's daily feeding routine, YuDERM Itching Dog can reduce the urge to itch and contribute to overall skin and coat health.