The Blue Barn Lintbells YuDigest Dog Tablets 120 Pack

YuDigest tablets are a daily supplement to support digestive health and wellbeing. Specifically formulated with a complex of prebiotics and probiotic bacteria to actively encourage digestive health. YuDigest helps to maintain firm stools, combat excessive wind and support a healthy gut biome. 

Category: Dogs, Dogs Accessories Product #: 20007 Regular price: £36.99 $£36.99 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Lintbells YuDigest Dog Tablets 120 Pack


YuDigest tablets are a daily supplement to support digestive health and wellbeing. Specifically formulated with a complex of prebiotics and probiotic bacteria to actively encourage digestive health. YuDigest helps to maintain firm stools, combat excessive wind and support a healthy gut biome.