Haylage Balancer is a totally natural, nutritional support formula that will help your Horse maximise his roughage intake, whilst helping to maintain a Healthy, comfortable gut. Formulated to supplement the haylage rich diet, this unique, advanced digestive formula has shown considerable results in Horses’ condition and behaviour. Haylage Balancer helps settle the gut by minimizing the production of acid, whilst neutralising and absorbing any excesses. By slowing down the rate of passage of partially digested Food through the hind gut, Haylage Balancer also helps to maximise the digestion of roughage. This helps reduce gastric upset, resulting in more regular, better formed droppings. Feeding Haylage Balancer may also mean you can cut back on concentrate feed. Maximising the digestion enables the Horse to gain the most nutritional value from his forage, and the vitamins and minerals supplied by Haylage Balancer means the Horse is already receiving all the nutrients he requires.
Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Balancers, Horse Feeds - Supplements, Horses Product #: H141.18 Regular price: £33.99 $£33.99 Available from: https://thebluebarn.co.uk Condition: New In stock! Order now!