The Blue Barn Natures Grub Garlic, Herb & Seaweed with Probiotics Tub 300g

Natures Grub Garlic, Herb & Seaweed with Prebiotics provides a range of health benefits to your flock. With garlic and mint to aid digestion and support immunity, seaweed to promote healthy iodine levels and oregano to provide dietary fibre. Probiotics are included to support gut health and wellbeing. Simply add 15g to 1kg of feed.

Category: 0% VAT, Poultry, Poultry Supplements Product #: 10426 Regular price: £9.20 $£9.20 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Natures Grub Garlic, Herb & Seaweed with Probiotics Tub 300g


Natures Grub Garlic, Herb & Seaweed with Prebiotics provides a range of health benefits to your flock. With garlic and mint to aid digestion and support immunity, seaweed to promote healthy iodine levels and oregano to provide dietary fibre. Probiotics are included to support gut health and wellbeing. Simply add 15g to 1kg of feed.