The Blue Barn Silverfeet Black 400ml

The first silver-based anti-microbial hoof balm, proven to prevent the growth of equine hoof bacteria and fungi that can lead to thrush and other common hoof problems. It also provides year round protection to support strong healthy hooves. The balm doesn't alter hoof colour.

Category: Hoof Care, Horse Grooming & Care, Horses Product #: SLV0005 Regular price: £10.69 $£10.69 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Silverfeet Black 400ml


The first silver-based anti-microbial hoof balm, proven to prevent the growth of equine hoof bacteria and fungi that can lead to thrush and other common hoof problems. It also provides year round protection to support strong healthy hooves. The balm doesn't alter hoof colour.