The Blue Barn Simple System Lucie Brix 20kg

All the benefits of Pure Lucerne, compressed into 1kg (approx.) block. Lucie Brix are another high fibre feed and particularly good if your Horse is sensitive to sugars or grass. They are also an ideal choice if ulcers are a concern, as the chewing and gnawing help to generate plenty of saliva and the feed itself buffers acid in the stomach and the caecum. We suggest that these are fed whole and dry to mimic grazing, which may reduce the tendency to chew wood. Easy and convenient to feed.

Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £23.35 $£23.35 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Simple System Lucie Brix 20kg


All the benefits of Pure Lucerne, compressed into 1kg (approx.) block. Lucie Brix are another high fibre feed and particularly good if your Horse is sensitive to sugars or grass. They are also an ideal choice if ulcers are a concern, as the chewing and gnawing help to generate plenty of saliva and the feed itself buffers acid in the stomach and the caecum. We suggest that these are fed whole and dry to mimic grazing, which may reduce the tendency to chew wood. Easy and convenient to feed.