The Blue Barn Simple System Lucie Stalks 12.5kg

Lucie Stalks are a high fibre lucerne chop, made for us by separating the more nutritious leaf from the high fibre stems. The result is a palatable, high fibre, low calorie, low natural sugar feed. It can be used to extend a feed or as partial hay replacer. It has a little more protein than TimotHy Chop and slightly less of the natural sugar that all plants have. It is coarser in texture, so a bit more of a chew, so this feed is not one we rEcommended for the dentally challenged, but it is great for good doers needing bulk and time spent chewing.

Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £18.85 $£18.85 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Simple System Lucie Stalks 12.5kg


Lucie Stalks are a high fibre lucerne chop, made for us by separating the more nutritious leaf from the high fibre stems. The result is a palatable, high fibre, low calorie, low natural sugar feed. It can be used to extend a feed or as partial hay replacer. It has a little more protein than TimotHy Chop and slightly less of the natural sugar that all plants have. It is coarser in texture, so a bit more of a chew, so this feed is not one we rEcommended for the dentally challenged, but it is great for good doers needing bulk and time spent chewing.