The Blue Barn Speedibeet 20kg

Speedibeet is sugar beet pulp with no added molasses, which has been subjected to a patented cooking process to produce a superb complementary feed for Horses, which is quick soaking. There's a high proportion of soluble fibre, mostly pectins in Speedibeet, which means Its fibre is more easily digested than that found in forage like hay. This makes it a great source of slow release energy, perfect for comPetition Horses.

Category: 0% VAT, Horse Feeds & Supplements, Horse Feeds - Chaffs, Forages & Hay Replacers, Horses Product #: Regular price: £21.29 $£21.29 Available from: Condition: New In stock! Order now!

Speedibeet 20kg


Speedibeet is sugar beet pulp with no added molasses, which has been subjected to a patented cooking process to produce a superb complementary feed for Horses, which is quick soaking. There's a high proportion of soluble fibre, mostly pectins in Speedibeet, which means Its fibre is more easily digested than that found in forage like hay. This makes it a great source of slow release energy, perfect for comPetition Horses.